Adult Magazines from the 1950s and 1960s. Follies, Frolic, Adam, Modern Man, Gent, Escapade, Mr, Ace, Bachelor, Cavalcade, Cavalier, Cocktail, Dapper, Dude, Fling, Hi Life, Jem, Knight, Midnight, Monsieur, Nugget, Pix, Rogue, Scamp, Sir!, Sir Knight, Swank, Topper, Venus, Parliament Mags and more..
dude this is high quality stuff.
i love everybit of it.
the design, fonts, art and very classy pictures.
Do you own this issue? Are all nuggets from that period that tight?
I need to get me a copy aswell
Hey tek
I only own 3 issues of Nugget, the other two are 68 & 69. So I don't know if all the early issues are as good as this one.
I will be selling this magazine, as well as all my others on Etsy. I will add this particular issue to my etsy store sometime this week.
I've done a set of scans from the April 1961 issue of Nugget posted on my blog,
ad at the moment the copy I have is up on Ebay. You'll find a link to the listing on my blog (end May 25, 2010).
Great post. I really enjoy checking out your blog. I hope you've had a wonderful week.
Real fine stuff!
I was thinking 'bout Miss January Jones on "Mad Men" and such... but, man, this is The Real Deal!
Thank You for the nostalgic memories!!!!!!!!!
Please continue to post more music I Love it..
how can I get a list of all the songs names and lyrics copied Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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